Recommended Textbooks

I have listed the must read textbooks for economics students. They are classified by subject in which they each are arranged from the introductory book to the advanced one. For example, I proposed Basic Econometrics by Gujarati, as the prerequisite for econometrics, from which you will learn almost all necessary topics and get familair with matrix algebra, calculus and statistics at the elementary level. Once you are well equipped with sufficient basic technical and theoritical background, you will find that Econometric Analysis by Greene is more friendly.

1. Microeconomics
2. Macroeconomics
3. Mathematical Economics
4. Econometrics

Nowaday mathematics become the language of economics. Most undergraduate students are often shocked by how mathematical graduate programs in economics are. The math goes beyond basic algebra and calculus, as it tends to be more proofs. It is true that the most successful students in the first year of a Ph.D. program tend to be ones with mathematics backgrounds, not economics ones. Therefore most Ph.D programs prefer applicants with rigorous math training. If you intend to study the advanced economics, you must be able to read and write mathematical proofs inevitably. Thus, I recommend you to take the math course called real analysis or at least read through the undergraduate textbooks of real analysis listed here.
