Vejapong Juttijudata


Contact Information

Department of Aerospace Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Kasetsart University

50 Phahonyothin Rd., Jatujak
Bangkok 10900



Associate Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering

B.Eng. 1997 (Chula); M.Sc., D.I.C. 1998 (Imperial College London); Ph.D. 2003 (Cornell)

Phone +66(0) 2942 8555 Ext. 1708



After earning a B.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering from Chulalongkorn University in 1997, he joined the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Kasetsart University as a lecturer and was awarded a scholarship from the Royal Thai Government for his graduate study. He received his M.Sc. in Computational Fluid Dynamics and Structural Mechanics from the Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine (now Imperial College London) in 1998 and his Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University in 2003. Under the supervision of John Lumley, his doctoral research focused on the development of proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) in Squire's coordinate system and low-dimensional models for turbulence channel. He returned to the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Kasetsart University in 2003. In 2004, he was appointed as a postdoctoral research associate in Clancy Rowley's research group at School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University. His research at Princeton centered on the development of model-based control of oscillating cavity flows using the POD and low-dimensional Galerkin models. He returned to Kasetsart University in 2005 and continued his work in the areas of aerodynamics, fluid dynamics and flow control.

Current Research Interests

  • Physics and Modelling of Transition and Turbulence
  • Flow Control
  • Applied Aerodynamics
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Turbulence Simulation

Current Research Projects

Flow Control for Turbulent Drag Reduction
Turbulent skin-friction drag accounts for approximately one third to one half of the total drag on a commercial aircraft and as much as 90% of the total drag on a submarine vehicle. Fuel consumption could be cut by one third to half or aircraft lift-to-drag ratio could be increased by a factor of two by means of clever flow control to reduce turbulent drag. The goal of this project is to develop new flow control techniques both active and passive control that are efficient and practical for real applications in the future. As a first step, we are only interested in implementing these techniques in direct numerical simulation (DNS). Current activities in this project include developing reduced-order models and control schemes for model-based feedback control, and studying the response of flows under different actuations.
Other participant: A. Hokpunna (KMUTT), faculty member; V. Satthavisut (Department of Aerospace Engineering), graduate student

Transition and Dynamics of Turbulent Spots
The location of the onset and extent of transition are of major importance in turbomachinery design where wall shear stress and heat transfer rate are of interest. Objective of this project is to study the physics of transition process and the dynamics of turbulent spots in the hope that this will shed some light on how to model and predict transition. Current work is focusing on the complete transition process on a compressor blade consisting of separation-induced transition on suction side and bypass transition on pressure side of the blade, bypass transition on a zero-pressure gradient boundary layer and the dynamics of isolated turbulent spot and interaction of turbulent spots. Our main working horses in the investigation are direct numerical simulation (DNS) as well as proper orthogonal decomposition (POD).
Other participants: S. Sirisup (NECTEC), senior researcher; A. Hokpunna (KMUTT), faculty member; C. Pongudom (Department of Aerospace Engineering), graduate student

Physics of Turbulent Boundary Layers in Canonical and Complex Flows
Many applications in engineering have to deal with turbulent boundary layers. In order to manipulate them in our favour, we need to have a good understanding of turbulent boundary layers. In this project, we are trying to identify the most energetic coherent structures inside the boundary layers and understand their dynamics in order to obtain the backbone of turbulence production mechanism of the boundary layers. The dynamics of near-wall (autonomous) structures on smooth-wall boundary layer, and the effect of roughness to turbulent boundary layers have been studied extensively in the past. Recently, we started to look at the effect of rotation and the interaction of wind turbine wakes & atmospheric boundary layers. Our study is based on direct numerical simulation (DNS) as well as proper orthogonal decomposition (POD)
Other participant: K. Bhaganagar (University of Texas at San Antonio), faculty member; W. Rojanaratanangkule (Chiang Mai), faculty member

Selected Publications


  • K. Bhaganagar, and V. Juttijudata (2011), Turbulent time-events in channel with rough walls, Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics. DOI: 10.1007/s00162-011-0242-x.
  • M. Sen, K. Bhaganagar, and V. Juttijudata (2007), Application of proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) to investigate a turbulent boundary layer in a channel with rough walls, Journal of Turbulence. 8(41).
  • V. Juttijudata, J.L Lumley, and D. Rempfer (2005), Proper orthogonal decomposition in Squire's coordinate system for dynamical models of channel turbulence, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 534: 195-225.
  • V. Juttijudata (2004), Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS), Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology. 1(4): 358-394.
  • V. Juttijudata (2004), Low-Dimensional Models for Turbulent Flows, Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology. 1(4): 395-422.

    Proceedings and Conferences

  • W. Rojanaratanangkule., V. Juttijudata (2014), Effect of Rotation on Coherent Structures in Wall-Bounded Turbulence. Proceedings of the Ninteenth Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Melboune, VA, Australia, December 2014.
  • P. Sribonfha, S. Sirisup, V. Juttijudata., (2013), Impact of Geometric Uncertainties on Pump Performance. The 4th TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2013, (TSME-ICoME 2013), Chonburi, Thailand, October 2013.
  • V. Juttijudata., S. Sirisup (2011), A Study of Bypass Transition in a Zero-Pressure Gradient Boundary Layer Subjected to Free-stream Turbulence. The 2nd TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2011, (TSME-ICoME 2011), Krabi, Thailand, October 2011.
  • V. Juttijudata., S. Sirisup (2010), Coherent Structures of Transitional Boundary Layers in a Linear Compressor Cascade. The 1st TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering 2010, (TSME-ICoME 2010), Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand, October 2010.
  • V. Juttijudata (2010), Kinematics and Dynamics of Coherent Structures within a Turbulent Spot in Plane Channel Flow. The 14th International Annual National Symposium on Computational Science and Engineering (ANSCSE 14), Chiang Rai, Thailand, March 2010.
  • V. Juttijudata., P. Kongpunvijit, P. Sribonfha and P. Luangpaiboon (2009), Wing Optimization in a Context of Constrained Response Surface Methods. The 23rd Conference of the Mechanical Engineering Network of Thailand (ME-NETT 23), Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 2009.
  • M. Kaewbumrung and V. Juttijudata (2008), Effects of Blocking Plate on HSA Vibration and Air Flow inside 2.5" High Speed HDD using Large-Eddy Simulation. The 7th ASEAN ANSYS Conference, Biopolis, Singapore, October 2008.
  • M. Kaewbumrung and V. Juttijudata (2008), Effects of Blocking Plate Geometry on HSA Vibration and Air Flow inside 2.5" High Speed HDD using RNG k-ε Model. The 12th Annual National Symposium on Computational Science and Engineering (ANSCSE 12), Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand, March 2008.
  • M. Kaewbumrung and V. Juttijudata (2007), Effects of the Workbench Geometry on the Characteristics of Air Flow in a Clean Room. The 21st Conference of Mechanical Engineering Network of Thailand (ME-NETT 21), Chonburi, Thailand, October 2007.
  • S. Wanchat, K. Sengpanich  and V. Juttijudata (2007), The Numerical Study of Swirling Effect to Aerodynamic Performance of Gas Turbine Burner Using Standard k-ε Turbulence Model. The 21st Conference of Mechanical Engineering Network of Thailand (ME-NETT 21), Chonburi, Thailand, October 2007.
  • K. Sengpanich, S. Wanchat  and V. Juttijudata (2007), The Effect of Swirl to Aerodynamic Performance of Gas Turbine Non-Premixed, Swirl-Type Burner Using Large-Eddy Simulation. The 11th Annual National Symposium on Computational Science and Engineering (ANSCSE 11), Phukhet, Thailand, March 2007.
  • S. Gururatana, V. Juttijudata, E. Juntasaro, and V. Juntasaro (2006), Prediction of 3D turbulence-induced secondary flows in rotating square ducts. Whither Turbulence Prediction and Control (WTPC), Seoul, Korea, March 2006.
  • V. Juttijudata (2006), The feasibility study of using the proper orthogonal decomposition in Squire's coordinate system for drag reduction control design. The 3rd Aerospace Engineering Conference of Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand, March 2006.
  • T. Charoenkijtavee, V. Juttijudata, and P. Arundachawat (2006), Performance analysis for submersible pump - A numerical approach. The 10th Annual National Symposium on Computational Science and Engineering (ANSCSE 10), Chiang Mai, Thailand, March 2006.
  • V. Juttijudata (2006), Turbulent drag reduction - A direct numerical simulation approach. The 10th Annual National Symposium on Computational Science and Engineering (ANSCSE 10), Chiang Mai, Thailand, March 2006.
  • C.W. Rowley, and V. Juttijudata (2005), Model-based control and estimation of cavity flow oscillations. Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 2005.
  • C.W. Rowley, V. Juttijudata, and D.R. Williams (2005), Cavity flow control simulations and experiments, AIAA paper 2005-0292, 43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, January 2005.

Teaching Activities

  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Aerodynamics
  • Viscous Aerodynamics
  • Turbulent Flows
  • Gas Dynamics
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Numerical Methods

Last revised: 9 January 2016