» Copy » Checking and Canceling Copy Jobs/Checking Copy Job History » Checking and Canceling Copy Jobs
Checking and Canceling Copy Jobs
Check the details of copy jobs. Cancel copy jobs that you decide not to perform while the jobs are processing.
When the Processing/Data indicator on the operation panel is:
Turned on/blinking
A job is currently processing.
Turned off
No jobs are waiting in memory.
Canceling a copy job using [] (Stop)
Press [] (Stop).
Press [] (Stop) twice to cancel the job when the machine holds one job only.
Select the job that you want to cancel when more than one job is processing using [] or [] and press [OK].
Select <Yes> using [] or [] when <Cancel?> appears and press [OK].
Or, press [] (Stop) to cancel the job.
The job is canceled.
Select <Details> using [] or [] to check the details of the job that you want to cancel and press [OK].
Checking and canceling a copy job using [] (Status Monitor/Cancel)
Press [] (Status Monitor/Cancel).
Select <Copy/Print Job> using [] or [] and press [OK].
Select <Job Status> using [] or [] and press [OK].
Select a job using [] or [] and press [OK].
The details of the selected job are displayed.
To cancel the job
Select <Cancel> using [] or [] and press [OK].
Select <Yes> using [] and press [OK].
The job is canceled.
Press [] (Status Monitor/Cancel) to close the screen.
To only check the details of the selected job
Press [] (Status Monitor/Cancel) after you have checked the details of the selected job to close the screen.