» Security » Setting the System Manager Information » Attention (Specifying the System Manager Information)
Attention (Specifying the System Manager Information)
If you use department ID management
You need to specify both the system manager ID and PIN to restrict the operation of <System Settings> in the operation panel or the operation of Remote UI. Otherwise, all users are recognized as the administration user, and every user can use <System Settings> on the operation panel and the Remote UI without restriction.
Specifying the system manager ID and system manager PIN
A number up to 7 digits can be specified.
If the number is less than 7 digits
Example: when you enter <321>, the number is specified as <0000321>.
If you register numbers that start from <0>
Example: when you enter <02> <002>, the number is specified as <0000002>.
You cannot register numbers that consist of only <0> consecutively such as <00>.