Agreement Verbs


Agreement verbs are verbs that inflect for person, number, and aspect but

do not take locative affixes.   For example, “give”, “lend”, “tell”, etc. (Padden 1990: 119)


            Agreement verbs in ThSL are all transitive.  Some may be bi-transitive. 

       The verb is in agreement with its direct object and/or subject in number and person and may incorperate

       the classifier of the direct object when the verb is bi-transitive. There is no locative affix

       but there may be syntactic space being the direction of the action of the verb from

       subject to object or vice versa. For example,


                ©Ñ¹ªèǤس                        (gloss: “I help you”)                                          “I help you.”

                ©Ñ¹¶ÒÁ¤Ø³                        (gloss: “I ask you”)                                           I ask you.

            ©Ñ¹¶ÒÁ¤Ø³·Ñé§Êͧ¤¹    (gloss: “I ask you (and) you”)                            I ask both of you.

            ©Ñ¹¶ÒÁ¤Ø³·Ñé§ÊÒÁ¤¹    (gloss: “I ask you-three”)                                   I ask the three of you.

            ©Ñ¹¶ÒÁ¤Ø³·ÕÅФ¹          (gloss: “I ask you, you, (and) you”)                   I ask each of you.

            ©Ñ¹¶ÒÁ·Ø¡¤¹              (gloss: “I ask you-all”)                                       I ask you all.

             ¾Ç¡à¢ÒµèÒ§¡ç¶ÒÁà¢Ò      (gloss: “they ask him/her”)                                 They ask him/her.

            ¾Ç¡àÃÒ¶ÒÁà¢Ò¡Ñ¹äËÁ  (gloss: “we ask him/her question”)                     Shall we ask him/her?

                à¢ÒºÍ¡©Ñ¹                         (gloss: “he tells me”)                                          “He tells me.”

                ¤Ø³Â×Áà§Ô¹(¨Ò¡)©Ñ¹         (gloss: “you lend/borrow money (from) me”)      “I lend you money.”

                ©Ñ¹àªÔ­à¢Ò                    (gloss: “I invite you”)                                         “I invite you.”


In case the verb is transitive, the syntactic structure is






In case the verb is bi-transitive, the syntactic structure is










            For example,

¾èÍãËéà§Ô¹á´§   (gloss: father gives ‘money’ Dang)       “Father gives Dang money.”