

                The verb [oppress] in ThSL usually has the classifier of the object which is the patient of the action of the verb.

 The syntactic structure is as follows:


                        [ [O Indo ] [S Inds ] [V] SŽCLO  ] ] ; CLo = O


For example

â¨Ã¡´¢Õèà¢Ò                   (gloss: “thief oppress him”)                    The thief oppresses him.

à¢Ò¡´¢ÕèáÁè                         (gloss: “he oppress mother”)                 He oppresses mother.


In case the syntactic subject is null and only the patient of the action of the verb is the overt object in ThSL,

of which is comparable to the meaning of passive voice in Standard Thai. The syntactic structure is as follows:


[V ŽCLO  ] ; CLo = O


For example

©Ñ¹¶Ù¡¡´¢Õè                        (gloss: “oppress me”)                            I am oppressed.

¤Ø³¶Ù¡¡´¢Õè                    (gloss: “oppress you”)                           You are oppressed.

¤Ø³·Ñé§Êͧ¤¹¶Ù¡¡´¢Õè     (gloss: “(someone) oppress you-two”)          Both of you are oppressed.

à¢Ò¶Ù¡¡´¢Õè                         (gloss: “oppress him”)                           He is oppressed.