

                The verb [ask] in ThSL  is a transitive verb.  The sign for the verb reflects singularity / plurality

 of the object and uses the syntactic space by moving  in the direction from subject to object,  with both

 subject and object  being human.   For example,


               ©Ñ¹¶ÒÁ¤Ø³                    (gloss: “i  ask  you”)                              I ask you.

©Ñ¹¶ÒÁ¤Ø³·Ñé§Êͧ¤¹     (gloss: “i ask you (and) you”)                I ask both of you.

            ©Ñ¹¶ÒÁ¤Ø³·Ñé§ÊÒÁ¤¹    (gloss: “i ask you-three”)                       I ask the three of you.

            ©Ñ¹¶ÒÁ¤Ø³·ÕÅФ¹          (gloss: “i ask you, you, (and) you”)        I ask each of you.

            ©Ñ¹¶ÒÁ·Ø¡¤¹               (gloss: “I ask you-all”)                           I ask you all.

                ¤Ø³¶ÒÁ©Ñ¹                        (gloss: “you  ask  me”)                          You ask me.

                à¢Ò¶ÒÁ©Ñ¹                        (gloss: “he  ask me”)                             “He asks me.”

¾Ç¡à¢ÒµèÒ§¡ç¶ÒÁà¢Ò       (gloss: “they ask him/her”)                     They ask him/her.

                ¤¹Ë¹Ö觶ÒÁÍÕ¡¤¹Ë¹Öè§ (gloss: “one person asks other person”) “One person asks another.

                áÁè¶ÒÁ¾èÍ                         (gloss: “mother ask father”)                   Mother asks father.

                ¾èͶÒÁáÁè                         (gloss: “father ask mother”)                   Father asks mother.

            ¾Ç¡àÃÒ¶ÒÁà¢Ò¡Ñ¹äËÁ  (gloss: “we ask him/her question”)         Shall we ask him/her?