To summarize, we have analyzed the vacancy-driven disordering process of an
initially phase segregated binary system that is rapidly heated to a
temperature T above criticality. To quantify the evolution of the system,
we measure the number of broken bonds, A(L,t), as a function of
time. This disorder parameter allows us to identify three temporal regimes,
distinguished by the distribution of the vacancies through the system. The
temporal growth of A during the latter regime is captured by the
exponent ~ 0.5. If the final temperature is infinite, T=K
, the motion of the vacancies is a simple Brownian random walk. For
finite temperature T ³ 1.5Tc , we observe that these exponents
still hold. Even though interparticle interactions now play an important role,
correlations in the system are still short-range. And the vacancy is still
a random walk by nature when the length scale exceeds the
correlation length. As T approaches Tc, however, the correlation
length reaches O(L), the simple random walk scenario breaks
All the investigations above are focused on an up-quenches to the disordered
state. A natural extension of this project is to set the final temperature
below criticality. Needless to say, new questions and interesting phenomena
can be expected. In particular, the final equilibrium state is still phase
separated and all the interfacial properties come into play. With a
single vacancy in a finite system, there may be a further separation of
times scales. It is expected that soon after the early stage, the intrinsic
density profile of the interface can be built. At this point, the
interfacial width is most likely controlled by the correlation length . In
the d=2 case, the interface is always rough, so that we can always expect
the latter crossover to occur. We could study the equilibrium probability
profile of the vacancy, i.e., where the vacancy spends most of its
time. In case more than one vacancy are present, this profile should map into
a density profile for the vacancies. In either case, it is expected that the vacancies
will be trapped at the interface. Now, if more vacancies are added to system,
the interface profile should be
altered, since a preponderance of vacancies may significantly modify the
interfacial energy. For d=3 Ising models, there are further interesting
phenomena, associated with roughening transitions. Given that interfacial
energies should depend on vacancy concentrations, how the locations (if not
the nature) of such transitions are affected is a natural question. Finally,
it would be extremely interesting to study the dynamic content of these
systems, such as scaling properties when the up-quench is set at a roughening
We conclude that even though our model is very simple, it forms the basis
for the description of a large variety of related systems. Moreover, it is
truly expected that considerable analytic progress is possible for a problem
that is both nonlinear and time-dependent.