Academic Services

Academic Service Projects

Enhancing genetic potential of beef cattle and dairy cattle for commercial competition
Supported by Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University (150,000 baht; 203 participated persons; 119% of the targets)

Value-adding techniques for beef and dairy productions
Supported by Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University (200,000 baht; 447 participated persons; 223% of the targets)

Increasing the value of beef and dairy productions
Supported by Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University (165,000 baht; 165 participated persons; 126% of the targets)

Optimization of production efficiency and genetic potential of beef cattle and dairy cattle
Supported by Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University (230,000 baht; 330 participated persons; 118% of the targets)

Increasing efficiency of dairy and beef cattle productions through collection and utilization of the individual cattle data
Supported by Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University (200,000 baht; 413 participated persons; 148% of the targets)

Enhancement of knowledge on collection and utilization of data to increase dairy production efficiency
Supported by Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University (120,000 baht; 444 participated persons; 122% of the targets)

Enhancement of knowledge and increase efficiency in dairy selection and mating 
Supported by Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University (120,000 baht; 203 participated persons)