» Network Settings » Setting Up Your Computer to Print and Send Faxes (Windows Only) » Selecting the Connection Method (LPD/RAW/WSD)
Selecting the Connection Method (LPD/RAW/WSD)
Select one of the following printing methods over a TCP/IP network.
Start the Remote UI and log on in system manager mode.
Click [Settings/Registration].
Click [Network Settings] -> [TCP/IP Settings].
Configure the protocol settings.
To set up LPD printing
Click [Edit] in [LPD Print Settings].
When using LPD printing
Select the [Use LPD Print] check box.
When not using LPD printing
Clear the [Use LPD Print] check box.
Click [OK].
Proceed to Step 5..
To set up RAW printing
Click [Edit] in [RAW Print Settings].
When using RAW printing
Select the [Use RAW Print] check box.
When not using RAW printing
Clear the [Use RAW Print] check box.
Click [OK].
Proceed to Step 5..
To set up WSD Printing
Click [Edit] in [WSD Settings].
When using WSD Printing
Select the [Use WSD Printing] check box.
When not using WSD Printing
Clear the [Use WSD Printing] check box.
Select the [Use WSD Browsing] check box to obtain information about the machine using the WSD port. (Once the [Use WSD Printing] check box is selected, it cannot be cleared.)
Select the [Use Computer Scanning] check box to use a computer scanner.
Select the [Use Multicast Discovery] check box to respond to a multicast search request.
Click [OK].
Proceed to Step 5..
Restart the machine.
Turn OFF the machine and wait for at least 10 seconds before turning it back ON.