Name: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jirasak Wong-ekkabut (Group leader)
ชื่อ: รศ.ดร. จิรศักดิ์ วงศ์เอกบุตร (หัวหน้ากลุ่มวิจัย)
Office: Room 485, New Science Buliding, Department of Physics,
Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University
Address: 50 Phahon Yothin Rd, Chatuchak Bangkok 10900
E-mail: jirasak.w[at]
Mobile phone: +66-81-720-4356
Office phone: +66-2562-5555 ext 647335,
Fax: +66-2942-8029
Personal Page: Jirasak's webpage
Full CV: Jirasak's CV.
Name: Miss Nililla Nisoh
ชื่อ:นางสาวนิลิลลา นิโซะ
Office: Department of Physics,
Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University
Address: 50 Phahon Yothin Rd, Chatuchak Bangkok 10900
E-mail: lilla.sweetie[at]
Project: Effects of Fullerene on lipid monolayer
Academic degree: M.Sc.
Name: Miss Phansiri Boonnoy
ชื่อ:นางสาวพรรณศิริ บุญน้อย
Office: Department of Physics,
Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University
Address: 50 Phahon Yothin Rd, Chatuchak Bangkok 10900
E-mail: pansiri_ku[at]
Project: Interaction of Alpha Tocopherol with the oxidized lipid bilayer
Academic degree: M.Sc.
Name: Miss Chonpatoo Sawasdee
ชื่อ:นางสาวชนพธู สวัสดี
Office: Department of Physics,
Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University
Address: 50 Phahon Yothin Rd, Chatuchak Bangkok 10900
E-mail: ju_09_9[at]
Project: DNA sequencing by using graphene nanopore
Academic degree: M.Sc.
Name: Miss Wasinee Khuntawee
ชื่อ:นางสาววาสินี ขุนทวีี
Office: Department of Chemistry,
Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University
E-mail: w.khuntawee[at]
Project: Molecular dynamics simulation of Cyclodextrin
Jointly with:Dr. Thanyada Rungrotmongkol, and Prof. Supot Hannongbua
Academic degree: Ph.D.
Name: Miss Tanyarat Phasiri
ชื่อ:นางสาวธัญญารัตน์ พาศิริ
Office: Department of Physics,
Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University
Address: 50 Phahon Yothin Rd, Chatuchak Bangkok 10900
E-mail: sayo_6282[at]
Academic degree: B.Sc. with us from 2010 to 2012
Name: Miss Viwan Jarerattanachart
ชื่อ:นางสาววิวรรณ จรีรัตนชาติ
Office: Department of Physics,
Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University
Address: 50 Phahon Yothin Rd, Chatuchak Bangkok 10900
E-mail: kidoody_159[at]
Project: Effects of NaCl on oxidized lipid bilayer
Academic degree: B.Sc. and M.Sc. with us from 2010 to 2013
Name: Miss Paweena Pananon
ชื่อ:นางสาวปวีณา ปานานนท์
Office: Department of Physics,
Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University
Address: 50 Phahon Yothin Rd, Chatuchak Bangkok 10900
E-mail: liooil1634[at]
Project: DNA sequencing by using multilayer graphene nanopore
Academic degree: B.Sc.with us from 2012 to 2014