Xiaohan Kuang, Sharareh Jalali, Tasnima Rahman, Jadhy Michalowski, Caren Sheng-Wong, Jirasak Wong-Ekkabut, Zhaoqian Su,* and Cristiano L. Dias,*, Discovering new amyloid-like peptides using all-atom simulations and artificial intelligence, Submitted to Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
Thana Sutthibutpong*, Patamalai Boonserm, Kenji Mizuguchi, and Jirasak Wong-ekkabut , Candidate Active Peptides for SARS-CoV-2 Receptor Binding Domain Proposed Through a Highly-Interpretable Machine Learning Based Virtual Screening Verified Through Atomistic Simulations, Submitted to Computational Biology and Chemistry
Min Xie, Maik G. N. Derks, Eveline H. W. Koch, C. Bjorn van Boven, Minchakarn Janlad, Behnaz Bagheri, Zexi Xu, Cornelis A. van Walree, Ana Sobota, Andreas F. P. Sonnen, Markus Weingarth, Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, Mikko Karttunen, Eefjan Breukink, J. Antoinette Killian, and Joseph H. Lorent*, Structure and pH-dependence of membranolytic mechanisms by truncated oxidized phospholipids, Accepted for Journal of the American Chemicail Society
Jiramate Kitjanon, Nililla Nisoh, Saree Phongphanphanee, Nattaporn Chattham, Mikko Karttunen, and Jirasak Wong-Ekkabut*, Dispersion of hydrophilic nanoparticles in natural rubber with phospholipid, Polymers, Vol. 16, 15 October 2024, 2901, PDF, Supplementary information, Link
Warin Rangubpit, Siwaporn Sungted, Jirasak Wong-ekkabut , Hannah Distaffen, Bradley Nilsson, Cristiano Dias*, Pore formation by amyloid-like peptides: effects of the nonpolar-polar sequence pattern, ACS Chemical Neuroscience, Vol. 15, Issue 18, 22 August 2024, 3354-3362, PDF, Link
Phansiri Boonnoy, Minchakarn Janlad, Behnaz Bagheri, Cristiano Dias, Mikko Karttunen and Jirasak Wong-Ekkabut*, Cholesterol Inhibits Oxygen Permeation Through Biological Membranes: Mechanism Against Double-Bond Peroxidation, RSC Advances, Vol. 19, 13 September 2024, 29133, PDF, Link
Noppawan Tundiew, Peerayut Kunklang, Supitta Suethao, Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, Jukkrit Mahujchariyawong, Wirasak Smitthipong*, A Comparative Study of Surfactant-treated Natural Latex Foam Morphology, Thermodynamic Relationships and Energy absorption: Talalay vs. Dunlop Processing, Industrial Crops & Products, Vol. 216, 15 September 2024, 118631, PDF, Link
Nililla Nisoh, Viwan Jarerattanachat, Cristiano Dias and Jirasak Wong-Ekkabut*, Insight into the Interactions of Fullerenes with Biological Membranes through Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Advances in Physics: X, Vol. 9(1), 2024, 1-19, PDF, Link
Behnaz Bagheri, Phansiri Boonnoy, Jirasak Wong-Ekkabut and Mikko Karttunen, Effect of oxidation on POPC lipid bilayers: Anionic carboxyl group plays a major role, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 25, 2023, 18310-18321, PDF, Link
Nuttawat Sawang, Saree Phongphanphanee, Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, Thana Sutthibutpong*, Biophysical Interpretation of the Evolutionary Consequences on the SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease Through Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Network Topology Analysis, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol. 125(11), 2023, 2331-2343, PDF, Link
Jirasak Wong-Ekkabut*,and Phansiri Boonnoy, Environmental control system for delivery of alive poultry, Petty Patent Submission ID 2203000767
Nililla Nisoh, Viwan Jarerattanachat, Mikko Karttunen, and Jirasak Wong-Ekkabut*, Fullerenes' interactions with plasma membranes: Insight from the MD simulations, Biomolecules, Vol. 12(5), April 2022, 639, PDF, Supplementary information, Link
N. Kerdkaen, T. Sutthibutpong, S. Phongphanphanee, S. Boonchui and J. Wong-ekkabut*, Monte Carlo simulations of nano-rod filler in composite material: code optimization, The International Conference on Materials Research and Innovation 2021 (ICMARI2021), IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 1234, 2022, 012026, PDF, Link
Jiramate Kitjanon, Wasinee Khuntawee, Saree Phongphanphanee, Thana Sutthibutpong, Nattaporn Chattham, Mikko Karttunen, and Jirasak Wong-Ekkabut*, Nanocomposite of Fullerenes and Natural Rubbers: MARTINI Force Field Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Polymers, Vol. 13, November 2021, 4044, PDF, Supplementary information, Link
Phansiri Boonnoy, Viwan Jarerattanachat, Mikko Karttunen and Jirasak Wong-Ekkabut*, Role of cholesterol flip-flop in oxidized lipid bilayers, Biophysical Journal, Vol. 120(20), Octobor 2021, 4525-4535, PDF, Supplementary information, Link
Supitta Suethao, Saree Phongphanphanee, Jirasak Wong-Ekkabut and Wirasak Smitthipong*, The relationship between the morphology and elasticity of natural rubber foam based on the concentration of the chemical blowing agent, Polymers, Vol. 13, 2021, 1091, PDF, Supplementary information, Link
Supitta Suethao, Worachai Ponloa, Saree Phongphanphanee, Jirasak Wong-Ekkabut and Wirasak Smitthipong*, Current challenges in thermodynamic aspects of rubber foam, Scientific Reports, Vol. 11(1), 2021, 6097, PDF, Link
Wasinee Khuntawee, Rawiporn Amornloetwattana, Wanwipa Vongsangnak, Katawut Namdee, Teerapong Yata, Mikko Karttunen and Jirasak Wong-ekkabut*, In silico and in vitro design of cordycepin encapsulation in liposomes for colon cancer treatment, RSC Advances, Vol. 11(15), 2021, 8475-8484, PDF, Supplementary information, Link
Nililla Nisoh, Viwan Jarerattanachat, Mikko Karttunen and Jirasak Wong-ekkabut*, Formation of aggregates, icosahedral structures and percolation clusters of fullerenes in lipids bilayers: The key role of lipid saturation, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, Vol. 1862(9), September 2020, 183328, PDF, Link
N. Kerdkaen, T. Sutthibutpong, S. Phongphanphanee, S. Boonchuy and J. Wong-ekkabut*, Monte Carlo simulations of nano-rod filler in stretched polymer nanocomposites, The International Conference on Materials Research and Innovation 2019 (ICMARI2019), IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 773, 2020, 012025, PDF, Link
Boontariga Wongsa, Nachon Raethong, Pramote Chumnanpuen, Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, Kobkul Laoteng*, Wanwipa Vongsangnak*, Alternative metabolic routes in channeling xylose to cordycepin production of Cordyceps militaris identified by comparative transcriptome analysis, Genomics,Vol. 112(1), January 2020, pp. 629-636, PDF, Link
Wanwipa Vongsangnak, Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, Wasinee Khuntawee, Roypin Thananusak, and Kobkul Laoteng, Liquid Cultivation of Cordyceps militaris for cordycepin production, Submission ID 1903000632
Wasinee Khuntawee, Thana Sutthibutpong, Saree Phongphanphanee, Mikko Karttunen and Jirasak Wong-ekkabut*, Molecular Dynamics Study of Natural Rubber-Fullerene Composites: Connecting Microscopic Properties to Macroscopic Behavior, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 21(35), September 2019, pp. 19403-19413, PDF, Supplementary information, Link
M. Janlad, P. Boonnoy and J. Wong-ekkabut*, Self-Assembly of Aldehyde Lipids in Water, The International Conference on Materials Research and Innovation 2018 (ICMARI2018), IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 526, 2019, 012005, PDF, Link
N. Kerdkaen, T. Sutthibutpong, S. Phongphanphanee, S. Boonchuy and J. Wong-ekkabut*, Monte Carlo simulations of nanorod filler in composite polymer material, The International Conference on Materials Research and Innovation 2018 (ICMARI2018), IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 526, 2019, 012006, PDF, Link
Mesayamas Kongsema*, Sudtirak Wongkhieo, Mattaka Khongkow, Eric W.F. Lam, Phansiri Boonnoy, Wanwipa Vongsangnak and Jirasak Wong-ekkabut*,
Molecular mechanism of Forkhead box M1 (FOXM1) inhibition by thiostrepton on breast cancer cells, Oncology Reports, Vol. 42, July 2019, pp. 953-962, PDF, Supplementary information, Link
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Pornkamon Nalakarn, Phansiri Boonnoy, Nililla Nisoh, Mikko Karttunen* and Jirasak Wong-ekkabut*, Dependence of fullerene aggregation on lipid saturation due to a balance between entropy and enthalpy, Scientific Reports, Vol. 9, January 2019, 1037, PDF, Link
Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, et al., Laboratory in Modern Physics, 94 pages, 2018, PDF
Phansiri Boonnoy, Mikko Karttunen*, and Jirasak Wong-ekkabut*, Does alpha-tocopherol flip-flop help to protect membranes against oxidation?, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol. 122(45), October 2018, pp. 10362-10370, PDF, Link
P. Chanlert, J. Wong-ekkabut, W. Liewrian and T. Sutthibutpong, Atomistic molecular dynamics simulation of grapheneisoprene nanocomposites, Siam Physics Congress 2018 (SPC2018), IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series, Vol. 1144, 2018, 012074, PDF, Link
Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, Wanwipa Vongsangnak, Wasinee Khuntawee, Production Process of Cordyceps Powder for Enhanced Cordycepin Release, Submission ID 1803002126, Petty Patent ID 15119, PDF, Link
Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, Wanwipa Vongsangnak, Wasinee Khuntawee, Teerapong Yata, and Katawut Namdee, Microencapsulation of Cordyceps Extract and Production Process, Submission ID 1703002400, Petty Patent ID 15567, PDF, Link
Jiramate Kitjanon, Wasinee Khuntawee, Thana Sutthibutpong, Phansiri Boonnoy, Saree Phongphanphanee, and Jirasak Wong-ekkabut*, Transferability of Polymer Chain Properties between Coarse-Grained and Atomistic Models of Natural Rubber Molecule Validated by Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Siam Physics Congress 2017 (SPC2017), IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series, Vol. 901, 2017, 012096, PDF, Link
Wasinee Khuntawee, Mikko Karttunen, and Jirasak Wong-ekkabut*, Molecular Dynamics Study of Conformations of Beta-Cyclodextrin and its Eight Derivatives in Four Different Solvents, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 19(35), September 2017, pp. 24219 - 24229, PDF, Supplementary information, Link
Phansiri Boonnoy, Mikko Karttunen, and Jirasak Wong-ekkabut*, Alpha-tocopherol inhibits pore formation in oxidized bilayers, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 19(8), Febuary 2017, pp. 5699-5704, PDF, Supplementary information, Link, This article was featured in 2017 PCCP HOT Articles
Nachon Raethong, Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, Kobkul Laoteng, Wanwipa Vongsangnak*, Sequence- and Structure-Based Functional Annotation and Assessment of Metabolic Transporters in Aspergillus oryzae: A Representative Case Study, BioMed Research International,Vol. 2016, 2016, 8124636, PDF, Supplementary information, Link
Jirasak Wong-ekkabut* and Mikko Karttunen*, The good, the bad and the user in soft matter simulations, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, Vol. 1858(10), October 2016, pp. 2529-2538, PDF, Link
Jirasak Wong-ekkabut* and Mikko Karttunen*, Molecular dynamics simulation of water permeation through Alpha hemolysin channel, Journal of Biological Physics, Vol. 42(1), January 2016, pp. 133-146, PDF, Link
Phansiri Boonnoy, Viwan Jarerattanachat, Mikko Karttunen*, and Jirasak Wong-ekkabut*, Bilayer deformation, pores & micellation induced by oxidized lipids, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Vol. 6(24), December 2015, pp. 4884-4888, PDF, Supplementary information, Link
Wasinee Khuntawee, Peter Wolschann, Thanyada Rungrotmongkol*, Jirasak Wong-ekkabut*, Supot Hannongbua, Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Interaction of Beta Cyclodextrin with Lipid Bilayer, Journal of Chemical Information and Modelling, Vol. 55 (9), August 2015, pp. 1894-1902, PDF, Supplementary information, Link
Bin Liu, Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, Mikko Karttunen*, Molecular dynamics simulation of surfactant monolayers, "Computational Methods for Complex Liquid-Fluid Interfaces", Rahni, Karbaschi, Miller (Eds.). Taylor & Francis(2015), pp. 249-260, PDF, Link
Nililla Nisoh, Mikko Karttunen, Luca Monticelli, and Jirasak Wong-ekkabut*, Lipid monolayer disruption caused by aggregated carbon nanoparticles, RSC Advances, Vol. 5 (15), January 2015, pp. 11676-11685, PDF, Supplementary information, Link
Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, Introduction to Quantum mechanics, KU-press, Bangkok, 180 pages, September 2014
Viwan Jarerattanachat, Mikko Karttunen*, and Jirasak Wong-ekkabut*, Molecular Dynamics Study of Oxidized Lipid Bilayers In NaCl Solution, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol. 117 (28), July 2013, pp. 8490-8501, PDF, Link
Mohsen Pourmousa, Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, Michale Patra, and Mikko Karttunen*, Molecular dynamics studies of transportan interacting with a DPPC bilayer, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol. 117 (1), January 2013, pp. 230-241, PDF, Link
Jirasak Wong-ekkabut*, and Mikko Karttunen*, Assessment of common simulation protocols for simulations of nanopores, membrane proteins & channels, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, Vol. 8 ,Issue 8, August 2012, pp. 2905-2911, PDF, Link
Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, Viwan Jarerattanachat, Tunyarat Phasiri and Mikko Karttunen, The Effects of NaCl on Oxidized Lipid Bilayers, 56th annual Biophysical Meeting, San Diego convention center, San Diego, California, USA, 25-29 February 2012, Biophysical Journal, Vol. 102, No. 3, 2012, 648A-648A, Link.
Elio Cino, Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, Mikko Karttunen, and Wing-Yiu Choy, Microsecond Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Involved in the Oxidative Stress Response, PLoS ONE, Vol. 6, No. 11, November 2011, e27371, PDF, Link.
Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, Markus Miettinen, Cristiano L. Dias, Mikko Karttunen, Static charges cannot drive a continuous flow of water molecules through a carbon nanotube, Nature Nanotechnology, Vol. 5, August 2010, pp. 555 - 557, PDF, Link .
Cristiano L. Dias, Tapio Ala-Nissila, Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, Ilpo Vattulainen, Martin Grant and Mikko Karttunen, Reply to the Comment by Graziano on "The hydrophobic effect and its role in cold denaturation", Cryobiology, Vol. 60, No. 3, June 2010, pp. 356-357, PDF, Link
Sudarat Chadsuthi, Jirasak Wong-ekkabut ,Wannapong Triampo, Galayanee Doungchawee, and Darapond Triampo, Comparison of the effects of UV-A radiation on Leptospira interrogan serovar Bataviae, Canicola, and Pomona, African Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 9, No. 21, 24 May 2010, pp. 3196-3206, PDF, Link.
Cristiano L. Dias, Tapio Ala-Nissila, Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, Ilpo Vattulainen, Martin Grant and Mikko Karttunen, The hydrophobic effect and its role in cold denaturation, Cryobiology, Vol. 60, No. 1, February 2010, pp. 91-99, PDF, Link .
Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, Sudarat Chadsuthi, Wannapong Triampo, Galayanee Doungchawee, Darapond Triampo, and Chartchai Krittanai, Leptospirosis research, Response of pathogenic spirochete to ultaviolet-A irradiation, African Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 8, No. 14, 20 July 2009, pp. 3341-3352, PDF, Link.
Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, Svetlana Baoukina, Wannapong Triampo, I-Ming Tang, D. Peter Tieleman, and Luca Monticelli, Computer simulation study of fullerene translocation through lipid membranes, Nature Nanotechnology, Vol. 3, June 2008, pp. 363-368, PDF, Supplementary information, Link, More comments.
Cover story on the June 2008 issue of Nature Nanotechnology
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Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, Zhitao Xu, Wannapong Triampo, I-Ming Tang, D. Peter Tieleman, and Luca Monticelli, Effect of lipid peroxidation on the properties of lipid bilayers: a molecular dynamics study, Biophysical Journal, Vol. 93, No. 12, December 2007, pp. 4225-4236, PDF, Link.
W. Triampo, D. Baowan, I.M. Tang , N. Nuttavut, J. Wong-ekkabut, and G. Doungchawee, A Simple Deterministic Model for the Spread of Leptospirosis in Thailand, International Journal of Biomedical Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2007, pp. 22-26, PDF, Link.
Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, Luca Monticelli, Zhitao Xu, Svetlana Baoukina, Wannapong Triampo, I Ming Tang, and Peter Tieleman, Effect of peroxidation on the properties of a palmitoyl-2-linoleyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine bilayer,51st annual Biophysical Meeting, Baltimore convention center, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 3-7 March 2007, 427A-427A, Link.
- Luca Monticelli, Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, Svetlana Baoukina, D. Peter Tieleman, Interactions between carbon nanoparticles and lipid bilayers: insights from MD simulations with a coarse-grained model, 51st annual Biophysical Meeting, Baltimore convention center, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 3-7 March 2007, 539A- 539A, Link.
A. Boondirek, J. Poulter, W. Triampo, J. Wong-ekkabut, I. M. Tang, and P. Picha, A Stochastic Model of Cancer Growth with Immune Response, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 49, No. 4, October 2006, pp. 1652-1666, PDF, Link, Link1.
J. Wong-ekkabut, W. Triampo, I-Ming Tang, D. Triampo D. Baowan, and Y. Lenbury, Vacancy-Mediated Disordering Process in Binary Alloys at Finite Temperatures: Monte Carlo Simulations, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 45, No. 2, August 2004, pp. 310-317, PDF, Link, Link1.
Wannapong Triampo, Galayanee Doungchawee, Darapond Triampo, Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, and I-Ming Tang, Effects of Static Magnetic Field on Growth of Leptospire, Leptospira interrogans serovar canicola: Immunoreactivity and Cell Division, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, Vol. 98, No. 3, 2004, pp.182-186, PDF, Link.
Wannapong Triampo, I-Ming Tang, and Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, Explicit Calculations on Small Non-equilibrium Driven Latice Gas Models, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 43, No. 2, August 2003, pp. 207-214, PDF, Link, Link1.
Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, Viwan Jarerattanachat, Tunyarat Phasiri and Mikko Karttunen, The Effects of NaCl on Oxidized Lipid Bilayers, 56th annual Biophysical Meeting, San Diego convention center, San Diego, California, USA, 25-29 February 2012, Link.
Amir Mohsen Pourmousa Abkenar, Jirasak Wong-ekkabut , Michael Patra, and Mikko Karttunen, Cell Penetration by Transportan, APS March Meeting 2010, Volume 55, Number 2, Portland, Oregon, USA, 15-19 March 2010
Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, Effects of lipid peroxidation on the properties of biological membrane, Department of Applied Physics, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland, 26 October 2009
Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, Permeation of water molecules through nanopore, Computational Soft Matter Research Group, Department of Applied Physics, Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland, 15 October 2009
Jirasak Wong-ekkabut and Mikko Karttunen, Water permeation through alpha hemolysin nanopore, 1st Nano Today conference, Biopolis, Singapore, 2-5 August 2009
Jirasak Wong-ekkabut and Mikko Karttunen, Water permeation through alpha hemolysin protein nanopore, SHARCNET Research Day 2009: HPC Innovation for Research, Arts Lecture Hall Complex, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 21 May 2009
Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, Luca Monticelli, Zhitao Xu, Svetlana Baoukina, Wannapong Triampo, I Ming Tang, and Peter Tieleman, Effect of peroxidation on the properties of a palmitoyl-2-linoleyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine bilayer,51st annual Biophysical Meeting, Baltimore convention center, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 3-7 March 2007, 427A-427A, Link.
- Luca Monticelli, Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, Svetlana Baoukina, D. Peter Tieleman, Interactions between carbon nanoparticles and lipid bilayers: insights from MD simulations with a coarse-grained model, 51st annual Biophysical Meeting, Baltimore convention center, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 3-7 March 2007, 539A- 539A, Link.
J. Wong-ekkabut , W. Triampo, S. Chadsuthi, G. Doungchawee, C. Krittanai, and I. M. Tang, Response of pathogenic Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola to UVA Irradiation, International Leptospirosis Society 4th Scientific Meeting (ILS2005), Central Duangtawan Hotel, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 14-16 November 2005
W. Triampo, D. Arayasantiparb and J. Wong-ekkabut, Monte Carlo Studies of Nonwquilibrium Vacancy Mediated Dynamics in Binary Alloys, Annual National Computational Science and Engineering Symposium 2002(ANSCSE6), Walailak University, Nakonsritammarat, Thailand, 3-5 April 2002
จิรศักดิ์ วงศ์เอกบุตร(Jirasak Wong-ekkabut), บทความเรื่อง เปิดประตูจิ๋วเข้าสู่เซลล์, วารสารฟิสิกส์ไทย(Thai Journal of Physics), ปีที่ 28, ฉบับที่ 4, ธันวาคม 2554-กุมภาพันธ์ 2555, หน้า 11-17, PDF
Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, The workshop on "Introduction to Molecular Medeling : Gromacs Package", Annual National Computational Science and Engineering Symposium 20012(ANSCSE16), Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 23 May 2012, Link
Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, The molecular dynamics simulation of biomolecular system, Department of Genetics, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand, 28 March 2012
Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, The molecular dynamics simulation of biomolecular system, Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand, 26 March 2012
Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, Study and research experience in physics, Physics seminar course, Physics department, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Bangkok,Thailand, 12 June 2007
S. Chadsuthi,W. Triampo, G. Doungchawee, J. Wong-ekkabut, D. Triampo, and I. M. Tang, Effect of TiO2 Nanoparticles on Pathogenic Spirochetes, Leptospira Interrogans, Siam Physics Congress, Nakorn Pathom, Thailand, 22-24 March, 2007
S. Chadsuthi, W. Triampo, G. Doungchawee, and J. Wong-ekkabut, Antibacterial effects of TiO2 Nanoparticles Combine with UVA on Letospira Interrogans Serovar Canicola. 32nd Congress on Science and Technology of Thailand(STT.32) Venue: Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, Bangkok, Thailand, 10-12 October 2006
H. Pitakjakpipop, W. Triampo, C. Kritanai, N. Nuttavut, J. Wong-ekkabut, I-Ming Tang, and G. Doungchawee, Estimation the number of Leptospires in liquid media by using turbidity via spectrophotometer, The Second National Conference on Optics and Applications (NCOA-2), Miracle Grand Convention Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, 4 February 2005
J. Wong-ekkabut, W. Triampo, I-Ming Tang, D. Triampo D. Baowan, and Y. Lenbury, Vacancy-Mediated Disordering Process in Binary Alloys at Finite Temperatures: Monte Carlo Simulations , RGJ-Ph.D. CongressVI, Jomtien Palm Beach Hotel and Resort, Pattaya ,Chonbury, Thailand, 28-30 April 2005
Jirasak Wong-ekkabut, Wannapong Triampo, I-Ming Tang, Temperature dependent on the slope the disordering parameter of vacancy-mediated disordering processes in binary alloy systems at finite temperature : Monte Carlo simulations, 29th Congress on Science and Technology of Thailand, Golden Jubilee Convention Hall, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 20-22 October 2003
J. Wong-ekkabut, Modeling of Binary Alloy in Non-Equilibrium System , 4th Science Project Exhibition, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, 13 March 2003
J. Wong-ekkabut, W. Triampo and D. Triampo, Explicit calculations on small non-equilibrium driven lattice gas model, 28th Congress on Science and Technology of Thailand. Bangkok, Thailand, p 197, 24-26 October 2002
J. Wong-ekkabut, W. Triampo and D. Arayasantiparb, The Non-equilibrium aspects of Metals: An exact Calculation on a small System, The Second Thailand Materials Science and Technology Conference: Materials Science and Technology for a Sustaninable Development of Thailand, 6-7 August 2002
J. Wong-ekkabut, The Statistical Mechanics of Driven Diffusive Systems, 3rd Science Project Exhibition, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, 14 March 2002