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Kasetsart University
Faculty of Forestry

Yongyut Trisurat, PhD

Department of Forest Biology, Faculty of Forestry
Kasetsart University
Bangkok 10900, Thailand

Phone: (662) 579-0176 Ext. 516,Fax: (662) 942-8107




Research Fellow/Visiting Scholar

Courses Taught


Professional Societies

Academic Positions

Research Projects

Professional Societies

Reviewer: Biological Conservation; Environment Management; Biological Conservation; Kasetsart University Journal (Natural Sciences); Urban Landscape Planning; Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability; Asian Journal of Geo-informatics; Journal of Environmental Management; Journal of Applied Geography; Environmental Management; Journal of Suranaree Technology of University

Technical Advisor: Department of National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation; Royal Forest Department; etc.

Consulting Projects:

Catalyzing Sustainability of Thailand’s Protected Area System - CATSPA (Department of National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation and UNEP)

Tracking Reductions in Carbon Emissions through Enhanced Monitoring & Project Support (Department of National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation and WWF-Thailand)

Enhancing Economic and Financial Tools for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in South-East Asia - ECO-BEST (Department of National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation and GIZ)

World Database on Protected Areas (UNEP-WCMC)

The Emerald Triangle Protected Forests Complex to Promote Trans-boundary Biodiversity Conservation between Thailand, Cambodia and Laos Project (PPFC Phase 1-III) (Royal Forest Department and International Tropical Timber Organization-ITTO)

Training Needs Assessment for Integrated Watershed Management in Lower Mekong Basin (The Mekong River Commission and GIZ)

Ramsar Wetland Management Planning (World Wild Fund for Nature [WWF-Thailand Program])

Joint Management of Protected Areas or JoMPA (Department of National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation and DANIDA)

Protection and Management of Wetland Project (Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning and DANIDA)

Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative in Thailand and Greater Mekong Subregion (Department of National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation and ADB)

Western Forest Complex for Ecosystem Management Project (Department of National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation and DANIDA)

National Environmental Performance Assessment in Thailand and Greater Mekong Subregion (Department of Environmental Quality Promotion, ADB and UNEP)

National Focal Point/Member: International and Regional Long -term Ecological Research Network (ILTER); IUCN Mountain Protected Areas, Ecosystem Management, and Marine Protected Areas, The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Thai National Park Association, Group on Earth Observation Biodiversity Network (GEO-BON), The Nature Conservancy (TNC)

Adjunct Faculty/Resource Person: Asian Institute of Technology, Mahidol University, King Mongkut Institute University, Suranaree Technology of University, Mae Fa Lung University

International Consultancy: ADB, CIDA, DANCED, DANIDA, GIZ/GTZ, ITTO, IUCN, UNEP, WWF


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