

 The signs in this ThSL digital dictionary consist of

-          ThSL signs that are borrowed from foreign sign languages.  These are labeled “(loanword)”.

-          Old ThSL signs which are documented for etymological purposes for the benefit of the future generations

    of the Thai deaf as well as hearing Thai people. These are labeled “(old)”.

-          ThSL synonyms, for example, the sign [orange] can either mean “an orange as a fruit” or “the color orange.”



1. Words are categorized according to grammatical categories as first level entry e.g. Nouns, Verbs etc.

2.    In each word category, there are sub-categories which are arranged in English alphabetical order.

    For example, Verbs are subcategorized into

-          Agreement Verbs

-          Plain Verbs

-          Spatial Verbs

3.    For each sub-category, word entries are arranged in English alphabetical order. For example,

    entries for Plain Verbs are as follows:

-          angry

-          like

-          think

4.    Thai words which correspond in meaning with more than one sign in ThSL, the signs are ordered as follows:

-          Central Thai Signs which are the signs of Bangkok variety and are the most popular among Thai signers.

    These are given priority over other varieties of ThSL.

-          Modern Thai signs that are currently in use are given priority over old signs in ThSL.

-          Thai Signs that are loan signs with foreign origin are ordered after original Thai signs in ThSL.


Preface   Notes   Symbols   Abbreviations   Word Categories   References   Finger Spelling

