

The varieties of Thai Sign Language (ThSL) are being used in various parts of Thailand. 

 Varieties also exist in the different communities of signers in Bangkok. ThSL taught by non-native signers

 to the deaf* in schools is largely influenced by Standard Thai. There is not yet the “standard ThSL” that

 truly serves its purpose and function as a standardized language for the deaf. Confusions and

 miscommunications among natives, non-natives and non- signers are acceptable norm in daily life.


Thai Sign Language Digital Dictionary is a research project funded by the Kasetsart University

 Research and Development Institute. Its purpose is to serve as an Assistive Technology (AT) tool based on

 Linguistic analysis of ThSL and the input of native ThSL signers. Its accessibility online as an AT tool

 will serve to facilitate communication among natives, non-natives and non-signers.



 *deaf in this ThSL digital dictionary means all hearing impaired (both deaf and hard of hearing)

 who use sign language as either first or second language.



Preface   Notes   Symbols   Abbreviations   Word Categories   References   Finger Spelling

